Thank you for your interest in the article.
You definitely didn’t need to use `@Autowired` in this project, as Spring will inject all the entities even without it, provided they are final and there’s a constructor with the required arguments – which is present (the project uses Lombok and the `@RequiredArgsConstructor` annotation).
I just downloaded the project, built, and ran it, and it works fine (check by http://localhost:8080/character).
Perhaps you made some changes or significantly altered the code?
Try reverting all changes and ensure that you are using the Lombok plugin in your IDE (if you are working in IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse) or that you have annotation processing enabled, as this might be important. You could also try running the command `mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true` or simply `mvn clean install` (since there are no tests in the project).
If you still encounter issues running the project, feel free to provide screenshots or a video showing how you’re doing it and the error you’re encountering. I might be able to help you with that.